Programs and Services
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Community Violence, Wellbeing & Recovery Project (CVWRP)
Date & Time: N/A
Have you or someone you know experienced violence in the community? Unison Health & Community Services, in collaboration with the City of Toronto’s Community Safety and Wellbeing Unit, have developed a project aimed at enhancing supports for Toronto residents impacted by community violence through a trauma-informed, culturally appropriate lens. The goal of the project is to provide mental health support through a trauma informed lens while helping clients transition to longer term mental health support to address the trauma they… Continue Reading Community Violence, Wellbeing & Recovery Project (CVWRP)
Diabetes Education Program
Date & Time: N/A
About the Diabetes Education Program The Diabetes Education Program provides FREE individual counselling and group education classes for people with Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. Our team consists of Diabetes Educators including Registered Nurses and Registered Dietitians who can help clients understand how to manage or prevent diabetes. The Diabetes Education Program also offers FREE Teleophthalmology services including free eye exams and retinal screening services for individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. This service is provided by South Riverdale Community Health… Continue Reading Diabetes Education Program
Drop-In Legal Clinic
Date & Time: Last Thursday of each month (monthly), from 2:00–5:00pm.
We provide free legal advice in the following areas of law: social assistance, housing, basic employment, human rights, CPP and EI. We also provide notarization of documents (document must already be prepared). Clients must live within the former City of York in Toronto and some financial criteria also apply. Please see the map to check if you live in our catchment area. To find a legal clinic near you, please visit the Legal Aid Ontario website.
Forever Young Seniors (Virtual)
Date & Time: Thursdays, 11:00am - 12:30pm via Zoom
Learn how to cope with stress during COVID, share life stories, make a few new friends and be a support to each other! The program focuses on topics that promote healthy aging. If you are a senior over the age of 65 and live within the Lawrence Heights or nearby neighborhoods, you are welcome to join our weekly program via Zoom. Sessions include health education, reading circle, movie day, summer outings, arts and crafts and much more. All activities are… Continue Reading Forever Young Seniors (Virtual)
Harm Reduction Drop-In
Date & Time: Hours vary by location.
For safer drug use kits/supplies, safer sex supplies, naloxone kits, education, referrals and support. This service is anonymous; there is no registration. Please click here to view current hours (pdf document). Even outside of drop in hours, someone may be in the room and able to help you. If no one is there, you can access injection and stem kits at reception or with screeners. For more information, please call 647-884-0684 (JT Site), 647-999-3094 (KR Site) or 647-268-5321 (LH Site).