Date & Time: N/A
Have you or someone you know experienced violence in the community?
Unison Health & Community Services, in collaboration with the City of Toronto’s Community Safety and Wellbeing Unit, have developed a project aimed at enhancing supports for Toronto residents impacted by community violence through a trauma-informed, culturally appropriate lens.
The goal of the project is to provide mental health support through a trauma informed lens while helping clients transition to longer term mental health support to address the trauma they have experienced.
- 1-1 trauma informed counselling
- Case management supports
Eligibility for services: residents ages 13+ living within the community that have been impacted by community violence (witnessed an event, victim of event, family member / friend of victim, community resident)
For more information: Call 416-645-7575 ext. 2914 or email Ali Pagliacolo at alessandra.pagliacolo@nullunisonhcs.org