About Unison
Unison Health and Community Services provides programs and services to people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. Our services are free, confidential and non-judgemental.
Our vision: Healthy communities.
Our mission: Working together to deliver accessible and high quality health and community services that are integrated, respond to needs, build on strengths and inspire change.
Positive Space
Unison Health & Community Services is a place where human rights are respected and where LGBTQ people are welcomed and supported.
Program Highlights
Baby and Me
This program is for parents or caregivers and their child from birth to age one year. Each session includes singing with baby, discussion on topics such as infant health and development, introducing solids, infant feeding and nutrition and other issues faced by new parents. Read More about the Baby and Me program…
Forever Young Seniors
The program focuses on topics that promote healthy aging. If you are a senior over the age of 65 and live within the Lawrence Heights or nearby neighborhoods, you are welcome to join our weekly program via Zoom. Sessions include health education, reading circle, movie day, summer outings, arts and crafts and much more. Read More about the Forever Young Seniors program…
Health Services
We believe in an approach to primary health care that meets the individual needs of our clients. Our health team works together to provide the best information and guidance to our clients about their treatment and care. Services are provided by nurses, doctors, nurse practitioners, dietitians, social workers, case coordinators and chiropodists.

Diabetes Education Program
Diabetes Education Program provides FREE individual counselling and group education classes for people with Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. Our team consists of Diabetes Educators including Registered Nurses and Registered Dietitians who can help clients understand how to manage or prevent diabetes.
Community Services & Group Programs
Good health is about more than good medical care. We offer a variety of programs to promote healthy lifestyles, provide peer support and enhance coping skills. We provide community support services including housing and legal services as well as adult protective services. Unison works also with community members to identify and take action on local issues that affect community health.
Pathways to Education™
Pathways to Education works with high school students in Lawrence Heights and Neptune to help them improve school attendance and academic achievement, while providing them with guidance and support to pursue post-secondary education and develop career options. We offer tutoring, financial support, group mentoring and one-to-one support.
Bathurst-Finch Hub
The Bathurst-Finch Hub brings together several organizations that offer primary health care, counseling and dental services as well as employment, settlement and legal services. The Hub is also home to Action For Neighbourhood Change (ANC) which supports residents who want to become involved and make positive changes in their neighbourhood.
Jane Street Hub
The Jane Street Hub is a centre that brings together several organizations to offer community services and health care to residents of Weston, Mount Dennis, Trethewey and the surrounding area. The hub also provides space for community groups to use, including a kitchen and meeting rooms.