Date & Time: N/A
About the Diabetes Education Program
The Diabetes Education Program provides FREE individual counselling and group education classes for people with Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. Our team consists of Diabetes Educators including Registered Nurses and Registered Dietitians who can help clients understand how to manage or prevent diabetes.
The Diabetes Education Program also offers FREE Teleophthalmology services including free eye exams and retinal screening services for individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. This service is provided by South Riverdale Community Health Centre, in collaboration with Dr. Michael Brent MD FRCSC and the University Health Network (UHN). For more information please call 416-787-1661 ext 3303
To learn more about this program, please select a link from the Diabetes Education menu.
Recognized by Diabetes Canada as a “Centre of Excellence” in delivering high-quality and best practice diabetes education and services.