Date & Time:
Adult Protective Service Workers

Date & Time: Mondays, 9:00am-5:00pm
The Role of an Adult Protective Service Worker is to: Support adults with an intellectual disability who are living on their own to live as independently, safely and securely as possible in the community. Develop a voluntary working relationship with participants in order to understand their strengths, areas for development and goals. Advocate on behalf of the people they serve when those people are unable to advocate on their own behalf. Provide case management for adults with an intellectual disability.… Continue Reading Adult Protective Service Workers
Baby & Me

Date & Time: See below for site information
This program is for parents or caregivers and their child from birth to age one year. Each session starts with singing with baby and its followed by a discussion on a topic such as infant health, development and nutrition or issues faced by new parents. Lawrence-Heights Site Date and Time: Thursdays, 1:30pm – 3pm. Pre-registration is necessary. Please call 416-924-1164 ext. 2229 to register.
Community Legal Clinic

Date & Time: Intake hours are Monday to Friday, from 9:00am to 3:00pm. We break for lunch each day from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. Please call to make an appointment. Urgent matters will be seen on a drop-in basis, subject to availability.
Important Notice: Please note that effective immediately, the legal clinic WILL ONLY BE ASSISTING CLIENTS BY PHONE. Clients are asked to phone 416 – 653 – 5400 x 1244. Hours are 9:00 – 12:00pm and 1:00 – 3:00pm. You can also email us at If you do not have a phone, a caseworker will be on-site on Wednesdays between 1:00 – 3:00 pm to assist. Call extension 1244 on the black phone (beside reception) and leave a message. Then… Continue Reading Community Legal Clinic
Community Violence, Wellbeing & Recovery Project (CVWRP)

Date & Time: N/A
Have you or someone you know experienced violence in the community? Unison Health & Community Services, in collaboration with the City of Toronto’s Community Safety and Wellbeing Unit, have developed a project aimed at enhancing supports for Toronto residents impacted by community violence through a trauma-informed, culturally appropriate lens. The goal of the project is to provide mental health support through a trauma informed lens while helping clients transition to longer term mental health support to address the trauma they… Continue Reading Community Violence, Wellbeing & Recovery Project (CVWRP)
Diabetes Education Program

Date & Time: N/A
About the Diabetes Education Program The Diabetes Education Program provides FREE individual counselling and group education classes for people with Type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes. Our team consists of Diabetes Educators including Registered Nurses and Registered Dietitians who can help clients understand how to manage or prevent diabetes. The Diabetes Education Program also offers FREE Teleophthalmology services including free eye exams and retinal screening services for individuals with Type 2 Diabetes. This service is provided by South Riverdale Community Health… Continue Reading Diabetes Education Program