Date & Time: Contact us for more information
Unison’s Housing Program includes three main services: Housing Help Centre, Rent Bank and Streets to Homes follow-up services.
What we do:
- Access to apartment vacancy lists
- Eviction prevention
- Help with housing searches
- Landlord mediation
- Housing Connections Access Centre
- Emergency Energy Fund
- Crisis referral to shelters
- Client advocacy
- Rent Bank
- Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
- Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
- Information and referrals
- Streets to Homes case management
- Streets to Homes community kitchen
Housing Help Centre is one of eight centres in Toronto that provides a broad range of housing assistance and serves as an access point for applications to Toronto Community Housing. Housing workers help low-income people find and keep stable housing.
Our Rent Bank Program provides information and support to low income households to help stabilize their housing and prevent eviction and homelessness. Services include access to interest-free loans to pay arrears in rent as well as mediation and counseling.
Streets to Homes follow-up services provides assistance to individuals who were homeless, or at risk for homelessness, and have been housed by the Streets to Homes outreach team. Services include follow-up support for up to one year from the date of placement. Workers meet with clients on an ongoing basis and provide case management and case planning to ensure that the tenancy remains successful.
For more information about our Housing services please call our intake line: 416-653-5400, ext. 1306.