Date & Time: Thursdays, 11:00am - 12:30pm via Zoom
Learn how to cope with stress during COVID, share life stories, make a few new friends and be a support to each other!
The program focuses on topics that promote healthy aging. If you are a senior over the age of 65 and live within the Lawrence Heights or nearby neighborhoods, you are welcome to join our weekly program via Zoom.
Sessions include health education, reading circle, movie day, summer outings, arts and crafts and much more. All activities are geared towards building self-esteem, social inclusion, budgeting and healthy eating to support independent aging at home, the overall well-being and quality of life for seniors living in the community.
Please call Albana Qatipi at 416-787-1661 ext. 3256 to register or if you have any questions.
For more information about this program, please contact Albana Qatipi, 416-787-1676, ext. 3256.