Housing Help Program

Date & Time: Contact us for more information
Unison’s Housing Program includes three main services: Housing Help Centre, Rent Bank and Streets to Homes follow-up services. What we do: Access to apartment vacancy lists Eviction prevention Help with housing searches Landlord mediation Housing Connections Access Centre Emergency Energy Fund Crisis referral to shelters Client advocacy Rent Bank Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP) Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) Information and referrals Streets to Homes case management Streets to Homes community kitchen Housing Help Centre is one of eight centres… Continue Reading Housing Help Program
Labour of Love

Date & Time: Tuesdays, 1:30pm-3pm
Labour of Love is a Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP).7 This program offers expertise in nutrition, pre- and post-natal care and breastfeeding. The program is facilitated by a Registered Dietitian, Registered Nurse and Community Parent (family resource support person), and features other guest speakers for example social workers, midwives, and community organizations. This program provides opportunity to meet other women, learn more about pregnancy and healthy eating, and provides healthy food support. This CPNP program is run in partnership with… Continue Reading Labour of Love
LGBTQ2+ Support

Date & Time: Contact us for information
Unison Health and Community Services offers a range of FREE counselling and support services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirited, intersex, queer or questioning individuals. We provide a safe environment where individuals can work on their goals and overall well-being. Searching for: Someone to talk to one on one? Couples counselling? Education about your health & diet? Safety planning around substance use? Tools for grief and loss? Community resources/referrals? We can help! Contact us @416-645-7575 ext. 2050.
OESP Clinic (Ontario Electricity Support Program)

Date & Time: Ongoing
The OESP program provides a financial benefit for low income families and individuals to receive credits to reduce their monthly hydro bill. Please call to book an appointment.
Older Adult Club

Date & Time: Depends on the location.
The program promotes healthy aging for isolated, low-income seniors living within Unison communities. It helps seniors increase social connectedness with other seniors, connect them to programs and services that they need, promote wellbeing, increase their confidence level, promote capacity building and volunteerism. Contact Klodiana at 416-653-5400 ext. 1300 for more information.