Older Adult Club

Date & Time: Depends on the location.
The program promotes healthy aging for isolated, low-income seniors living within Unison communities. It helps seniors increase social connectedness with other seniors, connect them to programs and services that they need, promote wellbeing, increase their confidence level, promote capacity building and volunteerism. Contact Klodiana at 416-653-5400 ext. 1300 for more information.
Prenatal Program

Date & Time: Thursdays from 10:00am to 11:30am
If you are expecting a baby, please join us for our weekly Prenatal Program. The Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) is held every Thursday from 10:00 am to 11:30 am at the Bathurst-Finch Hub in partnership with Sick Kids Centre for Community Mental Health. The program offers expertise in nutrition, prenatal and postnatal care and breastfeeding. The program is facilitated by a Registered Dietitian, Public Health Nurse and Community Parents. The program offers opportunities to: Connect with mothers and other… Continue Reading Prenatal Program
Social Work and Mental Health Program

Date & Time: N/A
The Mental Health and Social Work team provides emotional support to help individuals create goals and build coping skills to improve their overall mental health and wellness. Receive support for: Counselling/psychotherapy Therapeutic groups Safety planning Harm reduction services LGBTQ+ support Advocacy Neighbourhood resources System navigation support The team includes: Social Workers, Mental Health and Substance Use Workers, and Mental Health Outreach Worker. Services: Depression Anxiety Stress Trauma Grief Drugs and alcohol Parenting support Relationship stressors Family support Youth counselling Services… Continue Reading Social Work and Mental Health Program