Compliments, Suggestions, Concerns & Complaints

Do you have a compliment, a suggestion or want to raise a concern or make a complaint about our programs and services? 

You can submit a concern or a complaint to Unison if you:

  • are not satisfied with the care and services you receive; or
  • think your rights have been violated; or
  • experience harm or injury; or
  • experience any other problem with Unison’s facilities, staff, etc.

You can also send us a compliment or suggestion by using one of the same options for client feedback explained below.


Q: How do I submit a compliment, suggestion, concern or complaint?

A: You can give us a compliment, suggestion, concern or complaint by:

  1. Speaking to a staff person. It is best to start by speaking directly to a Unison staff person. You can do this in person or by phone. If you cannot do this or if this does not work, you can also ask to speak to that person’s manager.
  2. Filling out a paper feedback form at any Unison location. Forms are near the Client Feedback box. If you need help filling in the form, ask any staff person.
  3. Filling out a feedback form on-line. Please click here to complete the form. Please note the form will be submitted to us using e-mail which is not a secure communication method. If you provide your e-mail on the complaint form, we will assume we have your permission to contact you by e-mail regarding the complaint.
  4. Writing us a note or letter on any piece of paper and indicate if it is a compliment, suggestion, concern or complaint. Please either give the form or letter to the staff at reception, or place it in the Client Feedback box. You can decide whether or not to give your name when you submit this.

Q: What happens if I submit a compliment, suggestion, concern or complaint?

A: Someone listens to or reads and forwards the issue to the appropriate Manager for follow up. If you ask us to contact you to follow up, we will do so.

Q: What good does it do to complain?

A: Complaining can help Unison improve. It can help you to get better care and services. Sometimes we can fix a complaint quickly. Sometimes it takes time. Sometimes there are good reasons why we cannot fix it. If you want to know the outcome, we will let you know. If there is something we can change for the better, we will try to change it.

Q: What other options do I have if I submit a concern or complaint?

A: If the resolution of the concern or complaint is not acceptable to you, you can have it forwarded to Unison’s CEO for another look.