Quality Improvement Plans

A Quality Improvement Plan is a public commitment to meet quality improvement goals. By developing the plan, the organization outlines how they will address improving the quality of care it provides to its patients, residents or clients (source: Health Quality Ontario).

To learn about Unison’s Quality Improvement Plan for 2025-26, please select one of the pdf documents below:

To learn about Unison’s Quality Improvement Plan for 2024-25, please select one of the pdf documents below:

To learn about Unison’s Quality Improvement Plan for 2023-24, please select one of the pdf documents below:

To learn about Unison’s Quality Improvement Plan for 2019-20, please select one of the pdf documents below:

To learn about Unison’s Quality Improvement Plan for 2018-19, please select one of the pdf documents below:

To learn about Unison’s Quality Improvement Plan for 2017-18, please select one of the pdf documents below:

To learn about Unison’s Quality Improvement Plan for 2016-17, please select one of the pdf documents below:

To learn about Unison’s Quality Improvement Plan for 2015-16, please select one of the pdf documents below:


Unison Health and Community Services is Accredited with Exemplary Standing under the Qmentum accreditation program from Accreditation Canada. Unison’s Accreditation report can be downloaded in pdf format by clicking on the following link:

If you require the document in an alternative format, please contact accessibility@nullunisonhcs.org.