Adult Protective Service Workers

Available at:

Date & Time: Mondays, 9:00am-5:00pm

The Role of an Adult Protective Service Worker is to: Support adults with an intellectual disability who are living on their own to live as independently, safely and securely as possible in the community. Develop a voluntary working relationship with participants in order to understand their strengths, areas for development and goals. Advocate on behalf of the people they serve when those people are unable to advocate on their own behalf. Provide case management for adults with an intellectual disability.… Continue Reading Adult Protective Service Workers

Baby & Me

Available at:

Date & Time: See below for site information

This program is for parents or caregivers and their child from birth to age one year.  Each session starts with singing with baby and its followed by a discussion on a topic such as infant health, development and nutrition or issues faced by new parents. Lawrence-Heights Site Date and Time: Thursdays, 1:30pm – 3pm. Pre-registration is necessary. Please call 416-924-1164 ext. 2229 to register.  

Forever Young Seniors (Virtual)

Available at:

Date & Time: Thursdays, 11:00am - 12:30pm via Zoom

Learn how to cope with stress during COVID, share life stories, make a few new friends and be a support to each other! The program focuses on topics that promote healthy aging. If you are a senior over the age of 65 and live within the Lawrence Heights or nearby neighborhoods, you are welcome to join our weekly program via Zoom. Sessions include health education, reading circle, movie day, summer outings, arts and crafts and much more. All activities are… Continue Reading Forever Young Seniors (Virtual)

Having a Baby Drop-In for Pregnant Women

Available at:

Date & Time: Tuesday 11am-12:30pm

Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) is offered every Tuesday from 11am to 12:30pm at our Keele-Rogers site. The program offers expertise in nutrition, and prenatal and postnatal care. CPNP program includes: opportunities to meet other women, learning about pregnancy, baby care and healthy eating, one-on-one appointments with a Public Health Nurse and Dietician, breastfeeding support, enjoying a snack and tasting new food. Participants will receive $10 food vouchers for each session attended. Clients experiencing financial stress will be provided with… Continue Reading Having a Baby Drop-In for Pregnant Women

LGBTQ2+ Support

Available at:

Date & Time: Contact us for information

Unison Health and Community Services offers a range of FREE counselling and support services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, two-spirited, intersex, queer or questioning individuals. We provide a safe environment where individuals can work on their goals and overall well-being. Searching for: Someone to talk to one on one? Couples counselling? Education about your health & diet? Safety planning around substance use? Tools for grief and loss? Community resources/referrals? We can help! Contact us @416-645-7575 ext. 2050.